
I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases from the items below. (SHOP NOW redirects to other websites)

EzTrim DeBudder TableTop Bucking Machine
EzTrim DeBudder TableTop Bucking Machine

comes with shorter legs and without wheels

Fabric Pots w/Handles
Fabric Pots w/Handles

Good Value


Rosin Storage (10% off CODE: TerpyHighs)

Filter Press Screen Bags
Filter Press Screen Bags

Multiple sizes (10% off CODE: TerpyHighs)

FoxFarm Ocean Forest
FoxFarm Ocean Forest

Organic Potting Soil

Freeze Dryer
Freeze Dryer

Stay Fresh discount code: TERPYHIGHS

Freeze Dryer Trays
Freeze Dryer Trays

Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS

Front Row Ag
Front Row Ag

40% off Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS

FrontRow Si
FrontRow Si

Nutrients Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS

FrontRowAg Bloom
FrontRowAg Bloom

Nutrients Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS

FrontRowAg Clean Up
FrontRowAg Clean Up

Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS

FrontRowAg PartA
FrontRowAg PartA

Nutrients Discount Code: TERPYHIGHS